Unbidden random memory #1

I had a random flashback today. I might start a series on this.
High school, the Cultural Talent Show.
I’m Chinese. I went to three different high schools, and all but one were multiculturally diverse with a significant immigrant population. The one that wasn’t was… a little bit redneck, with a lot of Mormons.
The Talent show. It was supposed to be an opportunity to showcase your culture’s arts. We did a Chinese dance of some sort I think. What I really remember though, was that a bunch of us girls did a choreographed hip hop dance in black hot pants and crop tops and spunky ponytails at the tops of our heads. It was weird. It wasn’t very Chinese, unless it was a representation of the Asian Diaspora in North America, with the advent of the “asian baby gurl” gangsta moll. Yeah, that’s what we were going for. It must have been.
The sound/AV guy, a tall, skinny dude with long, stringy blond hair and death metal roots, rolled his eyes during rehearsal. “What the f*ck? You guys have another act?”
I wonder where he is these days. He also did the yearbook photos and formatting, and I remember he gave me kudos for using an Aerosmith quote as my senior quote. (“Life’s a journey, not a destination”, in case you were wondering. I was the epitome of nerdy nineties angst. They somehow mixed up my photo and quote with another Asian girl in my year. Sigh.)

I remember one girl doing everyone’s makeup. She was really good at it, and even though she was a grade below me, had this quiet confidence about her. I recently internet stalked her and she’s a high-end events planner in Toronto now, where her website homepage opens with the line “Welcome to our Atelier”, and couture fashion designers and high end automotive companies go to her to plan their parties. Atelier.. I don’t even know what that means. She just launched a sparkling wine brand. I’m proud of her, because she is killin’ it. In three inch heels and full makeup.

I just ride bikes and have bloody elbows and run around with my kids in the wilderness. And I am going to have a fitful sleep tonight because tomorrow I will have to give one of my patients a sad diagnosis.
We all lead such different lives, molded by such different recollections and experiences. Funny where we all end up, isn’t it?

5 thoughts on “Unbidden random memory #1

  1. My senior quote, which I attributed to The Doors was simply “it’s all over.” My friends told me I was depressing. I don’t cyberstalk HS people. When my 25th reunion came, I was excited to go. I was successful in business, fit and I had a pretty wife. I was killing it. But when I got there, I realized everyone else was killing it too. I’ve been downwardly mobile ever since, after moving into the nonprofit world. I don’t want to know how my peers are doing. I’ll just get depressed, again.

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    1. Hm.. I don’t know if I’d ever want to head to a HS reunion. I wasn’t really invited to any of them, for all three high schools. I didn’t go to my med school reunion either.
      I think as long as you’re killing it in your own mind, you’re good. Like, if you get a new truck, and live in a quiet town where you can run for hours in the woods on a Saturday and read a book on the porch. I’d say that’s winning 🙂 My “Atelier” friend? I couldn’t wear the makeup and heels or suck in for so long at so many parties. Just, no.
      And, whatever happened to no fucks given after fifty?

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      1. I’m not sure I ever vowed NFG after 50. I’m definitely living the life I want, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges. But still, actively moving away from high travel jobs into community focused organizations has proven to be the right move for both of us. And yes, if I stayed in my yuppie DC element, trail running would be something I read about in magazines. BTW, on Friday, I’m driving to Morgantown WV (3 hours) to buy the truck we ultimately settled on (assuming there are no surprises with it). It all seems like a sort of reckless life move, so in a way represents the NFG lifestyle. 3 schools in 4 years seems pretty traumatic for a teenager.

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      2. Excited for you for the new truck!
        NFG. I might need to make a t-shirt of this, though i can’t imagine it hasn’t already been done..
        And trauma? Maybe…it might explain a few things. heh.

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